вторник, 2 апреля 2019 г.
Literature Review: Access to Care for Addicts
Literature Review recover to Care for AddictsHettema, J., Sorensen, J. L. (2009). Access to Care for fixing agent Maintenance patients in the coupled States. International Journal Mental Health Addiction. 7 (3) 468-474. DOI10.1007/s11469-9204-6This written report was presented to increase the sensibleness of individual with Opiates treatment programed Dependency are denied addition to residential treatment. Although, fixer Maintenance Therapy has been proven to reduce illicit medicine use, improve psychosocial functioning, ability to keep employment, decrease criminal activities, and contracting HIV, AIDS, and Hepatitis. in that location are great concerns for those nodes in Methadone Maintenance Therapy who need more than intensive treatment. MMT does provide basic medical screening, dosing, and outpatient counseling. The more services provided for the client leads to a better outcome. The study found that treatment dose measured by number of days in treatment, number o f treatment academic term attended and number of services received leads to a positive outcome. approximately factors to consider are limited availability of residential treatment, insurance recompense and the impact of abstinence philosophy. Mainstream views addiction as a moral line of work rather than a medical issue. Hettema Sorensen (2009) identifies philosophical differences separates mental health and addiction services is hard to integrate. Society regards repairer as a prerequisite evil. there are ongoing empirically evaluated treatment approaches who do non follow an abstinence oriented philosophy.There are issues with the Americans with Disability cloak because client is being denied services because of their use of a prescribed for their mall dependency. There are ambiguities in the interruption of that. The author is not aware of any litigation now.Ducharme, L.J., Knudsen, H.K., Roman, P. M. (2006). Evidence-based treatment for Opiate-Dependent clients availa bility, variation, and organization correlates. The American Journal of drug and Alcohol Abuse. 32.569-576. DOI 101080/009529906000920417This article examines the availability and correlates with evidence-based devotes for opiates dependence in the United States. This research sampled addiction treatment with and without MMT services. This article also examined alliance based treatment programs with MMT units as one of their modalities. The researchers included both methadone available and non-methadone setting, then compared the number and type of service available to users.The method used was a data analyses hoard in 2002-2003 national congressman sample of addiction treatment centers in public and private sector. There was extensive face to face interviews conducted with administrators and clinical directors of 763 treatment center. The data collected in 2002-2003 face to face interviews includedorganizational characteristic, size, ownership, accreditation, staffing, treatm ent practice methadone availability, level of care, pharmacotherapies, wraparound service,The findings suggested the majority of opiate dependents clients are not in Methadone Clinics. Many agencies are not willing to refer opiates dependent patient. to MMT. The opiate dependence client would benefit from the referral that uses evidence practices if referred. The research suggests further study to sic which opiate dependence client would benefit from evidence client care.Parks, C., Fullerton, C.A., Kim, Meekee, Montejano,, L., Lyman, Russell, Dougherty, R. H., Daniels A. S., Ghose, S. S., Delphin- Rittmon, M. E.., (2013). Medication-Assisted Treatment with Buprenorphine assessing the evidence. psychiatric Services in Advance.DOI10.1176/appi.ps201300256This article reviews Buprenorphine treatment as an alternative to Methadone Maintence Treatment for long term treatment of Opioid Use Disorder. Buprenorphine is not considered as abstinence treatment. The purpose of buprenorphine is to reduce or eliminate opioid use. The authors conducted the research that examined abstracts of same articles for compliance with the review. The research provided evidence of the effectiveness of improving treatment memory and decreasing illicit opioid use. The evidence is growing both BMT and MMT improved maternity outcomes. Ongoing treatment is necessary.
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