четверг, 14 февраля 2019 г.
Death Of A Salesman Essay example -- essays research papers
Tragedy was a really controversial issue in literature until recent years. Recent figures in literature come set a clear definition for tragedy. write moth miller is adept of these figures. Plays and novels have distinguished the definition of tragedy. According to the Merriam-Webster mental lexicon tragedy is a serious piece of literature typically describing a conflict between the protagonist and a superior force and having a sorrowful or disastrous conclusion that excites lenience or terror. Millers explains that a tragic hero does not always have to be a monarch or a earth of a higher status. A tragic hero can be a common person. A tragedy does not always have to obliterate pessimistically it could have an optimistic ending. The play final stage of a Salesman, by Arthur Miller, is a tragedy because its hero, Willy Loman, is a tragic figure that faces a superior source, being the American dream and the struggle for supremacy. Loman also excites pity in the reader becaus e of his defeat and his inability to become a winner or teach his children how to make their lives successful. Miller defines a flaw as an inherent unwillingness to remain passive in the face of what one conceives to be a challenge to ones dignity Loman fulfills umteen of the requirements of being a tragic hero. Willy is not flawless in his actions, which by Millers standards make him a tragic hero. It is not scathe for Willy to have flaws and it does not make him a weaker man but a tragic figure. Miller designed the play so that Willy could be a tragic hero and for this he needs to have a flaw. Willys flaw is that he is unable to see things in a to a greater extent realistic perspective. Charley says something in the play that sums up Willys whole sustenance. He asks him, "When the hell are you going to grow up?" Willys spends his good life in an illusion. He sees himself as a great man that is popular and successful. Willy exhibits many childlike qualities. Many of the se qualities have an impact on his family. His two sons Biff and Happy pick up this behavior from their father. He is idealistic, stubborn, and he has a false sense of his importance in the world.The intense to which he followed the dream brought him to disillusionment and a loose sense of reality. Willy created a reality for himself where he "knocked em cold in Providence," and "slaughtered em in Boston."(p.33) Five coke gr... ...nderstands. Willy could have still been successful if he was able to see the flaws in his ways and teach Biff the right way to be a success, which is in hard work. If Willy had not killed himself and taught Biff that working hard at anything would make his successful then Biff may have reached success for himself and make Willy a successful father as well. The reader mustiness look at Willys suicide through Willys eyes. He killed himself in order to give Biff a better shot at being a success. Willy doesnt understand that killing himsel f is wrongly and he is not looking for any pity. Willy has sacrificed his own life so that Biff could have a better life. This truly does make him a tragic hero.Willy Loman is a tragic figure in the play Death of a Salesman. Willy faces a superior source in the play and puts his life on the line for his beliefs and the beliefs of others. He meets the requirements of Millers article for a tragic hero. Death of a Salesman also meets Millers requirements for a tragic play because of Willys role in the novel on with the other standards that Miller sets for a tragedy. The exploration of tragedy by peck such as Miller helps to define it more clearly.
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