понедельник, 4 марта 2019 г.
Not for Profit
Erin Powell Dr. Donald Roy PS 101 September 29, 2012 Martha Nussbaum Not for Profit Why state ask the Humanities Martha C. Nussbaum is the author of the book, Not For Profit Why Democracy ask the Humanities. The book begins by drawing the readers attention by explaining the Silent Crisis. She describes fosterage in the eyes of the political science, and in the eyes of the pile. on that point is a connection made between tuition and the free-handed tolerant encompassing arts. The agnomen of the book, Not For Profit, be three simple words that when prepare together, consecrate a deep meaning.In this case, Nussbaum is using the phrase to relate to teaching. The government sees education as a way to further our economic situation. Statistics say that a assimilator that attends college will earn a great deal to a greater extent than a student that has non attended college. When battalion earn more(prenominal) money, they usually spend more money. This stimulates our e conomy, and is the goal of the government. Government aims to use education as a tool to break our economy, yet they continually come toss off the amount of money they give to public schoolhouses each year.They take emerge the true classes that give a person their true identity. It seems as if mess be slowly becoming uniform, in creation that liberal arts are macrocosm taken external, and students are left to studying plain the core classes of what they call education. Martha is trying to explain that our education is not for profit learning is supposed to let people explore distinct skills and talents. There is a difference between education for profit, and education for citizenship. Education is intended to enhance the lives of the students which receive it. Nussbaum 9). Martha quoted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948, which state Education shall be directed to the full development of the human record and to the strengthening of the respect for human ri ghts and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote actualizeing, tolerance and acquaintance among all nations, racial or religious groups. I couldnt check up on more with this quote. This should be the true meaning and importance of education, not for the ravenousness of the government to use it for profit. Democracy real wishings the liberal arts.Liberal arts appurtenance education in making it better-rounded. Without the arts and humanities, we bring forth the governments puppets, only being used to increase the economy. Liberal arts realise been a part of education for quite some time. However, they gravel never truly been an all-important(prenominal) part of education harmonise to government standards. What are important to them are the four core subjects math, science, social studies, and language arts. Martha Nussbaum seems to disagree. To her, the liberal arts are the parts of education that touch on each student an individual.It gives them their creativity, and it teaches their brains to ring critically and analytically, rather than being confined to a knock dictated by the core subjects. These ways of stand foring are real(prenominal) valuable. They set apart each person, giving them their true identity. Liberal arts teach people to speak up for themselves. Without them people will rely on the government to do the thinking, and the government will no longer truly represent its people. The Socratic Way defines the way in which students think and deal for themselves, rather than defer to tradition and authority, and is valuable for democracy. (Nussbaum 48). In terms of education this is important because thinking for oneself leads to critical thinking. Critical thinking causes students to overly think analytically therefore they get a better understanding of their material. Democracy is ruler of the people. If the people bottom of the inningnot think and argue for themselves, then how can they rule their ground? It would be difficul t to choose representatives if the people could not make their own decisions. Also in the business domain as well, it would be difficult to get anything accomplished.Tradition and authority halt been important in score. However, Nussbaum does not seem to agree with them. When eachthing honourable goes by tradition, nothing is being changed. Things just happen the way they return always happened. Authority tends to stay alike as well. This is because people just go with the flow. They tend to not think for themselves, just now instead make decisions based on tradition. Martha Nussbaum is a liberal when things need to be changed, they should be changed, and I completely agree.We cannot live according to tradition, because there might be a critical thinker or two in this knowledge domain whom can discover a better or more efficient way to do things. If we are to cleanse at all in our lifetimes, living by tradition is not going to accomplish the goal. In this world there are A mericans, Europeans, Australians, Mexicans, etcetera However divided, we still affect each other. We borrow, buy, and sell from other countries, as well as become allies or enemies. Martha describes a world citizen in her book.This means that despite our geographical and cultural differences, we should put these aside to work together. The worlds schools, colleges, and universities therefore piddle the important and imperative task to cultivate in students the ability to see themselves as members of a heterogeneous nation, and a still more heterogeneous world, and to understand something of the history and character of the diverse groups that inhabit it. (Nussbaum 80. ) The idea of becoming a world citizen is wildly idealistic. There are so many people in this world that just cannot accept others.Power is a huge part of it, being that people want to be in charge. Some dont want to be considered equal they believe that some people are superior to others. It would take a humungou s amount of effort to convince everyone on the planet to become a world citizen. Play is important in the lives of all people, but especially children as they begin to develop. Nussbaum talks to the highest degree tinker in Chapter 6. It is essential to play in order to understand the value and worth of other people. Childrens stories and nursery rhymes cause children to put themselves in the shoes of another person.Therefore they learn that other human beings put up feelings also, which helps children with a healthy development. Its this healthy development in which play causes that Nussbaum believes is so important. As children grow into adults, however, they dont necessarily play. They have left behind the world of childrens games. (Nussbaum 101). Therefore the arts become important. Whether its music, singing, painting, photography, etc. , the arts put people, fictionally, into the shoes of others. In doing this, people keep on to grow in their concern for other human bei ngs.As Martha describes our present-day(prenominal) situation, antiauthoritarian education is truly on the ropes. Chapter seven talks roughly why this is true. Our economy is not doing so well. Every day our country goes further and further in debt. Apparently to our government, education is not very important, so they continue to make cut after cut of school funding. When the schools receive less money they have to make cuts on their spending. The humanities are always first to be reduced or eliminated. except when humanities, an important factor of a parliamentary education, are taken away we are certainly on the ropesWithout the humanities, schools cannot fully give students a democratic education. So what can we do about it? Nussbaum mentioned the alumni of schools. She claimed that some of them will air money or grants to their previous schools to help fund the humanities and liberal arts which they enjoyed having while they were in school. However, this cannot fund all parts of every program. Even in the core-subject classroom, we can encourage critical thinking. However, class sizes would have to be downsized. Schools would have to hire more instructors. Finances would obviously have to come from somewhere.But in decreasing the amount of students in each classroom, it is easier for the teacher to focus on their students rather than primarily on the material. Smaller groups of students also make it easier to have classroom discussions where all students can participate and think outside the box. Humanities and liberal arts are clearly important to Martha Nussbaum. They should be important to everyone, and I wish they were. This world would be a better place if education was taught around the arts, rather than the arts only being an elective, or being eliminated due to funding cuts.I enjoy being able to think for myself and Im sure all people do. Our government is not perfect, and there never will be a perfect government. We cant rely on traditio n to continue governing this country we have to make changes in order for the government to best represent the people and to make good decisions. Neither can we submit to the authority, just because its there. If we dont agree with something we have to have the audacity to stand up for what we believe in and never give up. Profits shouldnt be the main influence for education, nor should it mark off how we educate our future generations.Instead we should focus on developing people as individuals, rather than people as money-makers. We all have feelings, and everyone deep down wants to feel important and competent. Simply ignoring our feelings is not an option. Drew Faust says it best, Human beings need meaning, understanding, and perspective as well as jobs. The question should not be whether we can afford to believe in such purposes in these times, but whether we can afford not to. (Nussbaum 124). Mistakes are made when we question whether or not to keep humanities in education. I ts obvious that democratic education needs the humanities.
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